The Edmonton Needlecraft Guild

Call For Teachers

The Edmonton Needlecraft Guild (ENG) is currently looking for teachers for our 2025-26 Programs & Workshops.

Teaching certification is not required. For Programs, skills in the techniques being taught and a willingness to share is sufficient. Teaching experience is preferred for Workshops. Feel free to discuss your ideas with a member of the executive.

Please submit proposals by April 14,2025.

The opportunities to teach would be in one of the following four categories:

  • Programs - 1.5 - 2 hours monthly for 2, 3, or 5 months from October to June

    • Taught in-person during our General Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

  • Workshops - 1 or 2 day Autumn or Winter Workshop, usually on a weekend, 6 hours/day, in person or by Zoom.

  • Fibre Potpourri in Red Deer - 1 or 2 day workshop on a weekend in late May or early June of even numbered years, 6 hours/day.

  • Spring Fling / POPup Stitches, various locations in person – 1 day or evening, approx. 3 hours.

Submission Guidelines

Please include the following in a one-page proposal (.doc or .pdf):

  1. Your name, email, phone number and address.

  2. The category for which you would like your class to be considered. (see above)

  3. A 100 to 150 word enticing description of the project, for use in promotional advertising, which will include the following:

    • Title and techniques that will be taught

    • Materials and colour choices

    • Any pre-class work that must be completed

    • Appropriate credit if the design is a commercial pattern or an adaptation of a pattern and not your original work

  4. Kit information – If there is a kit, list what will be included and the approximate kit fee

  5. Student Supply List – List additional supplies and equipment the students must bring

  6. Maximum number of students

  7. Room Requirements – Space per student, extra table for samples, water access, audio visual equipment, etc.

  8. A 100 to 150 word biography, for use in promotional advertising, describing your interest in the technique you will be teaching, where you learned your techniques, other related qualifications, exhibitions, association memberships, etc.

  9. Photographs:

    • For two-dimensional projects - 2 photos (front and detail close-up).

    • For three-dimensional projects - 3 photographs (front, side or back, and detail close up).

    • Photography guidelines: Digital photography on a white background is preferred. Photograph your work in a well-lit area near a window, out of direct sunlight or use a daylight light such as an 'OttLite'.

    • Submit full sized photo files (between 2 and 5 MB). If you have difficulty with photography, do your best or you may submit an actual project sample. If your proposal is accepted, we can photograph the sample for you.


By Email:

By Mail: flash drive to The Edmonton Needlecraft Guild, PO Box 76027 Southgate Post Office, Edmonton, AB, T6H 5Y7.

In Person: on a flash drive to the appropriate committee member.


You will be reimbursed according to current ENG rates for programs or workshops.

You may be requested to provide a sample of your project for promotional display.

We prefer new or current projects that have not been taught in the Edmonton area. For Fibre Potpourri proposals, the project may not be taught within 500 kilometers of Red Deer for 30 days before or 30 days after Fibre Potpourri.