Call For Submissions


Call For Submissions 〰️

2025 Inspired to Stitch


10554 110 Street NW

Timeline of the exhibit: June 3rd to June 14th, 2025

Entries Due: May 23rd, 2025

What Inspired you to Stitch this piece and, more importantly, to finish the piece. It could be “I started this piece in a class” or “I just had to buy this kit” or “I love making these stitches” or “I learnt a new stitch or technique”…..We just want to hear the story behind the piece.

Works that can be submitted:

  • Any piece(s) completed within the last five years.

  • Has not been shown in a prior Edmonton Needlecraft Guild exhibit. Works that have been shown in FFAA exhibits are welcome.

  • That fits your interpretation of the above.

  • It is mainly embroidered pieces or would be considered handwork. As the Needlecraft Guild, we want to ensure that the pieces showcase talents featuring these skills.

Work Size:

  • Any size is welcome, but please be mindful that there is limited wall space, and everyone should have a space to show their work.

  • You are welcome to submit multiple pieces or a series of works.

Entry Requirements: Email the information below to

  • Name with e-mail address and phone number

  • Entry Title and whether entry is original, pattern, kit or class

  • Size of work and techniques used.

  • Value of the piece (for insurance purposes)

  • If the piece is for sale, please add that and the amount (All artwork will be listed as not for sale unless otherwise indicated)

  • A short artist statement. (This may be submitted at a later date and would greatly appreciate this e-mailed)


  • Be sure that your piece is ready to hang. If you have special hanging instructions for your work, please include them in your submission.

Work Drop Off:

  • Please have your piece(s) dropped off at the general meeting April 8th or May 13th or at the Focus on Fibre Art Studio 10554-110 Street NW, Edmonton on the day of set up (Monday, June 2nd from 11am to 2pm.) To arrange other drop-off options contact

Opening Reception:

  • Sunday, June 8th from 2pm to 4pm. (This is our regular sewday at the studio so please feel free to come early and stitch)

Pickup Artwork:

  • Monday, June 16th from 11am to 3pm or please make other arrangements.


  • Work will be shared on the Edmonton Needlecraft Guilds Facebook and Instagram accounts, website, and newsletter and potentially included in promotional materials. By submitting works for the show, you agree to have photographs of them used for these purposes.

For more additional information or questions: Contact