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Monthly ENG meeting

As we are currently not meeting in person, this meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. Members and guests are welcome to attend. Please contact us if you would like to receive a link to this meeting.

Log in anytime between 6:30pm and 7:30pm for stitching and informal chit-chat. The meeting begins at 7:30pm is typically half an hour long; we then have Show and Tell, where members can show everyone what they have been working on (either completed pieces or works in progress). Following Show and Tell, there will be a guest speaker. Attendees are then welcome to continue chatting and stitching until the close of the Zoom session.

May guest speaker topic: Alison Cole from Australia will speak to the group about Goldwork

Earlier Event: April 24
Virtual Spring Fling Stitching Retreat
Later Event: May 18
EAC-ACB: Magical Mystery Seminar